Day two of this migraine. Day two of feeling confused & emotional. And day two of more realizations and hitting walls. But I'm still fighting. And with every wall I hit I'm determined to find a way around, over or through it. I may get tired, discouraged, and frustrated but I won't give up.
I deserve to find the light at the end of the tunnel. I deserve to be happy. Because I'm a good person. I'm a good friend. I'm a great aunt. I have a big heart. I love completely and with my whole heart. I'm passionate and loyal. I have a lot to offer. And I won't allow the mistakes I've made or any person make me feel otherwise.
Now if I could just find a way to completely let go and not care I'd be great! If anyone has any suggestions on how to do either. I would love to hear them. :)
"Be of service to those who are less fortunate than yourself. There is no better way to get over feeling sorry for yourself, than being of service. Volunteer at the Red Cross blood bank, the local hospital, the library, your church... The possibilities are unlimited -- just do it. And besides, service organizations are a great place to make professional contacts, develop friendships, or meet your soul-mate."
Very good advice Dee!! Thanks :)
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