Week 1: Taking the edge off the pain.
Today didn't start out so well. I woke up with a blinding migraine. But I was still determined to stick to the plan. Every day there is an intention that you say out loud 3 times in the am, midday and before bed. Then there are 5 daily exercises that you are to complete. Then every night you journal about your experiences, a daily quote, any feelings that come up and the nicest thing that happened to you today. You also write yourself a letter. I know this all sounds really cheesy but i can already feel it working.
The daily exercise I wasn't looking forward to was taking an hour walk without your iPod. I'm not a fan of being alone with my own thoughts but that's what I needed to do. It was actually a good experience even though some tough emotions came up.
During this process I'm also concentrating each week on a spiritual characteristic or quality I don't have that I would like to have. I study the characteristic/quality in the scriptures and in talks. Then I make goals for the week that will help me work on it. This week I'm working on forgiveness. Mostly forgiving myself. I believe that forgiving myself is the first step to loving myself and in turn accepting love from others. Today I made a list of the things I'm mad at myself for. It was not a fun list to make and it was quite long. But it's a place to start.
"God's forgiveness is often nullified because the sinner does not forgive himself. What good does it do for God to blot our evil from his mind, if we continue to let it dominate our thinking by rerunning it in our own."Sterling W. Sill What Doth It Profit
Today was a good day. Like I said before I can already feel it working. If nothing else my brain is distracted. And a distracted brain keeps me from going and doing anything crazy! ;)
Sounds like you had a great start! Keep it up! :)
Also: I really like the whole take an hour-long walk without an iPod idea. I need to start facing my thoughts, too. I just might have to take some walks.
Thanks Pene! Ya I highly suggest going for a walk without your iPod. It's hard at first but what better way to get to know ourselves. It's nice kind of being ok with me, at least for a few mins! ;)
I like that quote! I think you should also share with us a clip from your journal entry, maybe the best thing that happened to you or something?
That's a good idea to share the best thing to happen to me. My journal entries are very similar to what I blog. :)
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